Jul 10, 2017 | Dave Graff | 1042 views
Minor Bantam Teams Lose in Finals
Both Minor Bantam Rep teams made the finals of the Bantam Select and the Keith Aitcheson Minor Bantam Rep tournaments on the weekend and despite losing both, it was a successful weekend for the SMBA teams...
The Minor Bantam tier 2 rep team ran into the hot hitting Milton Bantam Select Mets in the final while the Minor Bantam tier 1 rep team was simply out hit in an 11-4 loss to the WOBA Astros in the Minor Bantam rep final. A thank you goes out to Dave Gould, Todd Nickel, Renee Duiker and all of the other volunteers and executive members that manned the parks over the weekend. Also thanks to our diamond maintenance staff and umpires for their work over the weekend.