Rescheduled Family Day This Saturday July 29, News (Stratford Minor Baseball Association)

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Jul 24, 2017 | Dave Graff | 995 views
Rescheduled Family Day This Saturday July 29
SMBA will attempt try number 2 at their annual family day festivities at National Stadium this Saturday July 29...

There will lots of baseball this Saturday at the Stadium to celebrate SMBA family day. The Minor Bantam tier 2 team will start the day early with a DH against Cambridge, games times 11:30am and 1:30pm.
The main event of family day begins at 6:30pm with Coach Ben Ehgoetz Midget tier 1 team playing the first of a twin bill against Brantford. Come out and see local players Jacob Ford, Mitch Casey, Hunter James, Nolan Grasby and several others do battle against the visiting Red Sox.
There will be several prize draws during the first game culminating with the grand prize draws taking place near the conclusion of game 1.
Admission of course is free and there will be full concessions and BBQ fare available.