May 16, 2018 | Jeff Keller | 13036 views
HOUSE LEAGUE UPDATE - May 16th update.
We are working diligently to get the house league season up and running. Here is an update as of May 10th.
JUNIOR Rookie (Birth year 2011, 12, 13) tentative start date is set for June 1st. More information will be coming in the next week or so. Coaches will be contacted over the next two weeks.
Rookie/Mosquito, (Birth year 2008, 9, 10) - Teams have been made and we aim to start the season May 26th. You should be getting a call from your coaches within the next week. We are still looking for coaches for two teams. Email to those parents was sent out May 16th.
PEEWEE Teams (2005, 6, 7) will be starting May 19th. Coaches have been contacted and they will contact players this week.
Bantam Games (2001, 2, 4) will be starting May 19th. Coaches have been contacted and they will contact players this week.
Our Blastball convener, Cathy Graver, has just had her coaches meeting and coaches have been contacting players.
The weather and lack of help has set us back about a week from last year. We apologize as we are volunteers trying to do our best with the situation. If you have any problems, please think about volunteering to be a convener. Conveners are the contacts for coaches and help deal with issues as they arise. They are the contact between the players and SMBA. If they can not be dealt with at that level, then the board will get involved. The board is here to help.
Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to get this season up and running. Especially Dave Graff. Without Dave there would not be a house league this season. He was instrumental in getting it going and making sure kids had a place to play. After-all, that is what we are here for - to get as many kids playing this great game as possible.