Coaching App, Summertime Bash, HL Final Weekend, etc, News (Stratford Minor Baseball Association)

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Jul 24, 2018 | Dave Graff | 893 views
Coaching App, Summertime Bash, HL Final Weekend, etc
Coaching application is now on line for 2019 rep teams..

Coaching applications will be accepted until August 13/18 and interviews will follow.

A big thank you to all exec members and others that helped out organizing and running the Summertime Bash slo-pitch tournament on the weekend; from doing the game schedule, umpire schedule, bar schedule, securing the liquor licence, silent auction etc. Several rep team coaches and parents umpired multiple games - thank you for that!
Thank you to Jeff Carr for arranging the donation of several great items for the silent auction and thank you to the City of Stratford for agreeing to refund Sunday's facility rental fee - sometimes mother nature just does not cooperate.

Also a big thank you to Jeff Keller, Barry Grasby, Don Grasby and Gary Warmbolt for your assistance in running the six SMBA minor ball tournaments over the last several weekends - we as an organization could not have pulled these off so smoothly without your help. The positive feedback we had from visiting teams was overwhelming and raising money for the organization by having kids play baseball is a wonderful thing.

Lastly, thanks in advance to those helping this coming weekend with the organizing and BBQ for the House League final week/weekend. We will wrap up all divisions by week's end with each team playing multiple games with a BBQ on site for each league Friday evening thru Sunday morning.
Thank you to Todd Schmidt for running the Rookie/Mosquito division and Ashley Mathieson for doing the same with the Jr Rookie division - much appreciated.