2024 Coach Evaluation Form (Stratford Minor Baseball Association)

2024 Coach Evaluation Form
The purpose of this form is to provide a place where parents can leave comments/suggestions/concerns regarding the 2024 SMBA season. These forms help SMBA improve, as well as use information given about Rep coaches when coaches are being chosen. Any suggestions/concerns will be handled by the coaches committee. If there are any major concerns regarding situations or events that occurred on or off the field, the board will decide if action needs to be taken. The coach/player/adult in question WILL NOT be notified of any names regarding any complaints. This is a public form, so if a name is not provided the evaluation may not be considered "valid" or able to be used.

Contact Information

The below phone #/email is optional. Please only fill out one form per player. Your name is required but will be kept confidential.

Team Information

What team did your child play for this season?

Please Rate the Following:

Please choose the answer you feel most appropriate, and comment on your answers in the comment section below if desired

Other Comments

If you have provided any responses above that reflect an area for improvement, please share your feedback below. Please also share any feedback regarding length of season, number of practices/games, uniform concerns, facility concerns, etc.