Jan 05, 2019 | Dave Graff | 692 views
House League Update
May is fast approaching so let's hope better weather comes along with it as we near the time our House League program will gear up to begin play. The house league committee will be meeting this week to start the planning since the registration deadline just ended.
Plans for the next 3 weeks (WEATHER PERMITTING, we hope to start before the long weekend..);
Week of April 29 - SMBA HL committee meeting to finalize league configuration, confirm conveners and set key dates.
Week of May 6 - meet with conveners / conveners establish their league and email volunteer coaches and players to advise of start date
Week of May 13 - first baseball action for all leagues (again weather permitting);
Blastball - TBD (SERC softball diamond)
Jr Rookie - Friday May 18 (Packham Rd diamond)
Rookie/Mosquito - May 15 or 16 (Dufferin and Optimist)
Peewee/Bantam - May 17 (SERC)
Also planned for this year: mid-season BBQ and picture day for all teams, all leagues (note: blastball BBQ done at final day).